Monday, January 5, 2009

A journey through the airport

As many may know i recently went to Disney World over Christmas break. (yes I love Disney World it gets its own color).  so to start our journey to the all so magical place called Disney World  we had to fly to orlando. we left the house at 4 in the morning to head out for our 7:46 flight from charlotte. we all packed into the jeep and headed down. we got about halfway to charlotte when we had to get gas. i don't know how many of you have been to a truck stop gas station at 5 in the morning but it is a very interesting place. we pull in, 5 full sized people stuffed into a jeep grand Cherokee, and we see 5 camo pick up trucks, obviously deer hunters. they all looked over as a bright red jeep pulls into there stomping ground. after finding my phone to look like i had something to do my sister starts laughing. i look outside and there is a man in a suit walking from car to car with a bible. i don't know if he was called to share the gospel to people at truck stops at 5 in the morning but i found it quite strange. after we finish putting gas in the car we get back on the road. we finally arrive at the o so wonderful charlotte airport. we unpack the car, get out or luggage and head inside. when we get inside we walk past some check in counters that have hardly no line. this is good due to us being about 30 minutes late and really don't have time fro the holiday crowd. unfortunately we didn't know the whole airport was in the line that we also needed to be in. we walk down to the US air line and it winds and winds all over the airport. we decide we better get in line and hopefully we will get to our plane on time. then we encounter a very nice man.

in actuality this man was not nice. dressed in all grey, grey pants, grey sweater, grey scarf, and an accent color of red in his santa hat ( I guess he wanted to be festive).  another thing i noticed about this man was that he wasn't wearing a name tag. he looked as though he was an employee of the airport, and acted like one, but I'm not quite sure that he actually was one. At this time it was about 6:30. we got in line and then our very favorite man, who we called "elf", started yelling at the line. He told us that if we had a flight after 7:50 we needed to plan on missing the flight. not knowing if we would be ok, since our flight was at 7:46, we only had a few minutes. my mom asked the elf if we were ok and that we had our flight at 7:46 if we would make it. instead of telling us anything that we could actually use, he just told us that "you should have gotten here earlier sweetheart". at this point i was running on about 3 hours of sleep, and  was not about to put up with some little elf man call my mom sweatheart. after restraining myself we waited in line for about 30 minutes and were finally on our way to security.

The security line looked as though all the people that we were just behind in the US air line were now in front of us in the security line. this was probably due to the fact that this was true. just as we got in line accepting that we would now defiantly miss our flight a man next to us says that the security that was a few hundred feet down had barley any line. my family being the well behaved travelers we are picked up our bags and ran as fast as we can. we got down to the next security line and caught our breath we got out our boarding passes and our ID's. we waited in line for about 10 minutes and we finaly got up to the lady who checks your pass. I handed her my boarding pass and drivers lisense and she looked at my lisence and then looked up. then she lookd down and looked back up. she then got out her pen and made a mark on my boarding pass. then as i was walking away she told me "next time you get a lisence picture make sure you pick the hair you want to keep for a while". i was holding myself back from laughing and assulting the security  lady, and after resisting both of these i went on to take my shoes off, take out my computer, my jacket, my hat, and my phone out of my pocket. i put all of this in a bin and then place my backpack on the conveyer belt. i went through the metal detector fine and then i go to get my stuff out of the X-ray machine. i see my backpack come out from the machine and then stop. i figure the lady stopped the belt but then i see that other things are trying to push my backpack out of the way. i ask the other security lady if my bag is stuck and my dad was behind me. he sticks his head in the sheild that is around the part of the conveyer that is closest to the machine where my backpack was stuck at. the security lady then proceded to yell at my dad to get his head out of the machine. he told her that one of my straps was stuck in the belt and i began to think that we were now really going to miss our flight. my mom and my sisters were in a different line and got through in about a minute and a half and when they saw me and my dad were stuck they told us that they were going to go on to the gate and make sure we were ok on time. we then told the security people that we were running late and they they could just cut the strap so we could get to our flight. as she looked for a pair of sissers she asked another security man if he had some. this man was a fairly large man and when he found his sizzors he ran over to the X-ray machine. this was a sight in itself but to top it off he wanted to try and cut off the strap on my bag. after a long struggle with the machine and my backpack he finnaly freed my backpack and i was on my way again. as i put on my backpack the security lady asked if i wanted to file a claim, but considering that they cut off about 2 inches of my strap i decided not to forgo a claim and just get to the gate. 

when we fianaly arived at the gate and noticed that the door had not been opened and there were alot of security people around. as we tryed to figure out what was happining, we came up with some ideas. the one that utlimatly became our hypothesis of what was happining is that a celebrity was on the flight and they needed security to escort them out. we then noticed security taking a 60 year old man out of the gate. we then sent my sister to the water fountain at which all the security people were crowded around to find out what happened. she came back only hearing that this man was sitting in first class when he said something. with only this information we sent my dad to ask them. they told us that a man had made a bomb threat on the plane and they were sweeping the plane to make sure the threat was just talk and no bomb was on board. we asked if we would be safe and they assured us that it was fine. they finally opened the door and we all boarded the plane. we were finally off! 

after this hectic trip i was glad to just be in Disney World and be able to relax.

ill tell some more about this trip later

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